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​Jogo de Cinturas is an annual 4-day residential skillshare for capoeiristas here in Vermont. Each fall we gather to exchange music, movement and ideas and to build our

understanding of the complexity of what capoeira is today.


Days include classes, rodas, and conversations facilitated by recognized leaders in the form.


Highlighting the work of women teachers in capoeira, this event is open to all genders, ages, levels, groups and lineages. Room and Board provided, sliding scale pricing and scholarships available. Registration open now!


Tentative Schedule:

Thursday: Registration 4-6pm


Friday and Saturday:

Morning practice 8-9am

Breakfast 9-10am

Morning session 10:30-1pm

Lunch 1:30-2:30pm

Break 2:30-4pm

Afternoon session 4-6pm

Dinner 6:30-7:30pm

Roda 8-9:30pm



Morning session 9-11am

Brunch 11:30am

Final clean 12:30-1:30 

Departure 2pm



We offer 3 full scholarships for Black, Indigenous and People of Color [BIPOC] folks in each session. As well as 3 Work Trade spots in each session. If interested please select 'BIPOC Scholarship' ticket OR 'Work Trade' ticket when registering via the link below. For more information about the work trade exchange, please see Work Exchange.

CLICK HERE to register with a Payment Plan.

REFUND POLICY: Full refunds or workshop credit available up to 10 days prior to the event. Please inform us if you cannot attend an event up to 10 days prior [including Scholars and Work Traders]! Refunds/credit within the 10 days prior to the event may be available on a case-by case basis, please reach out to


Ana Carolina Lima, known in the martial arts world as Morena, is a vibrant and inspiring figure in the martial arts community, based in West Springfield, MA. As the co-owner of VACA BJJ & MMA, she has immersed herself in the world of martial arts since 1996, exploring a variety of disciplines, including karate, kickboxing, kung-fu, muay-thai, boxing, and more. However, it’s in Capoeira, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and MMA that she truly found her passion.

With a background in dance and mental health, Morena beautifully combines movement and spirituality in her training. She developed the Rooted Strength Method and is the founder of Rooted Strength Method, LLC. , a holistic approach that emphasizes breath, mobility, and functional strength using kettlebells and the steel mace. Her heartfelt mission is to empower martial artists to reach their full potential while fostering a culture of self-love and injury prevention.

As a pioneering voice for women in martial arts, Morena has broken new ground and paved the way for others. She is a dedicated professional Brazilian jiu-jitsu athlete and coach, and was the first female commentator at one of the most prestigious tournaments in the world in the Middle East. She even participated in the Guinness World Record for the largest kids Brazilian jiu-jitsu class, showcasing her commitment to the art.

Morena holds an impressive array of credentials: she is a 2nd-degree Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt under Team Kimura, a Professora of Capoeira under FICAG, a self-defense specialist, mobility coach, and unconventional functional strength coach. As a mother of three, she exemplifies balance and grace, proving that it’s possible to juggle family, personal passion, and leadership in the martial arts community. Through her work, she warmly inspires others to embrace professionalism and recognize the incredible strength of female leadership in these beautiful art forms.

Nuria Bowart aka Mestre’s Marreta has been a student of dance and maker of music her whole life she was introduced to Capoeira through a performance of Dance Brazil in 1992. She began training in 1996 and moved to learn directly with Mestre Acordeo and  Mestre Ra in Berkeley CA in 1997 where she trained and taught until 2021. Nuria is a teacher of dance, experiential anatomy as well as capoeira. She loves to weave her interests together while teaching. 

For Marreta, Capoeira is a ritual technology of music and movement that supports one’s ability to digest life. It is a ritual art form, with roots in worship and the cultivation of an ability to face fear with style and grace. It is a practice that supports physical mobility and strength, creativity and resilience.

Foquinha started learning the arts at the age of 4 when she began taking classical violin lessons, and started with piano 4 years later. As she continued to study music throughout her youth, she didn’t start learning capoeira until 2001 when Mestre Ramos came to her university to teach classes, and the world of capoeira opened up rhythms, movements, and culture. She found a group with Capoeira Brasil and continues her studies under Mestra Joy along with many, many other teachers. She opened her own branch of Capoeira Brasil in Oakland, CA in 2012, and now the school runs as a women led collective.  Her love of music and the human body informs her studies and her teaching in this Afro Brazilian art form. 

Laurinha Rapadura’s capoeira journey began in 2010 as part of the first generation of capoeiristas in the group Capoeira Mandinga Beijing. She was immediately drawn to the freedom of self-expression through movement and dialogue, and the close-knit community that is foundational to capoeira. As her journey evolved, Laurinha Rapadura deepened her spiritual connection to capoeira through music and the study of candomblé dance and rhythms under Mestre Jorge Alabé. She spent two years in Brazil in intensive training and cultural immersion. In 2022, Laurinha Rapadura and Mestre Tico founded the group Ilê Axé Capoeira together. 

Currently, Laurinha Rapadura is interested in exploring the connection of capoeira music to candomblé, and working on returning to training after becoming a mama!

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Joy San Agustin, known in the capoeira world as “Mestra Joy” is the first Asian American capoeira Mestra in the world. Capoeira is a martial art that combines elements of dance, musicality, round kicks, straight kicks, acrobatic movements and sweeps.


Capoeira at the surface level was a culmination of all the things she wanted in one activity: martial arts, music and gymnastics. At age 5, she perfected the crane kick because she was obsessed with the movie “The Karate Kid''. At age 7, she begged her mom for a piano and lessons in their tiny 1 bedroom NYC apartment.  And as a teenager in the 90’s she dreamt of flying like Dominque Dawes and tumbled on anything she could, flipping onto mattresses and cartwheeling down the carpeted staircase of her cousin’s house. From the beginning, capoeira was something she was captivated by and was so eager to try even before stepping foot in the classroom. 


In 1999, Joy found her first capoeira class by serendipitously meeting Mestre Jelon Viera (a pioneer capoeira Master “Mestre” who brought and helped establish capoeira in the United States in1975) and never turned back. Joy continues to train and teach under the tutelage of Mestre Boneco, one of the founders of Grupo Capoeira Brasil.


Joy is a passionate teacher, community leader, writer and activist who believes in the power of capoeira for its potential to enrich the lives of others and build community. Through her capoeira school and work in the public school system, Joy has introduced and taught capoeira to countless New Yorkers .With roughly three decades of teaching experience and a Master’s Degree in Physical Education, she enjoys teaching and mentoring upcoming teachers and students. She currently runs a capoeira school and teaches adult and children classes in the city and in the beloved borough of Queens where she was raised. 


Joy is the creator and author of “Capoeira Coffee Talk”, an online publication that shares personal capoeira stories to help inspire the larger capoeira community to think, reflect and talk about capoeira a little differently. Through personal story-telling and lived experiences, she hopes to help the larger community connect and envision the possibilities of change for the betterment of capoeira today and the future.


When not thinking, teaching or playing capoeira, Joy enjoys tending to “Cody” her sourdough starter, learning about plants, cooking, working out and traveling around the world.

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