AUGUST 12 - 18

Announcing our annual Summer Contact Improvisation Festival featuring 6 days of intensives, classes and jams exploring and training in Contact Improvisation.
The Summer Festival is divided into two parts; The intensive with Ariadna Franco, which runs Monday 12th through Thursday 15th includes room, 3 meals per day, daily focused training and nightly facilitated Jams.
Thursday 15th through Sunday 18th, the festival moves into the open weekend format with presentations, classes and open music jams.
Registration options include taking the Intensive Only, Weekend Pass only, or a FULL FESTIVAL PASS with camping options available. This event is limited to 40 participants including campers.
Arrival for the Weekend Pass is Thursday at 4pm.
3 day intensive with Ariadna Franco | AUG 12 - 15
Intensive Description
In this workshop we will work with the recognition of our own weight, the surrender to gravity and the support from the metaphor of the body-earth that the Anahuaca traditions and the territorial community feminism give us. Embodying the earth, the seeds, the roots, the care inspired by the reflections of the Zapatistas and the cosmovision of the Binni zaa people (cloud people) creating improvisation scores that allow us to develop the poetry and physicality of the dances in Contact Improvisation.
Daily schedule TBA.
We offer 3 full scholarships for Black, Indigenous and People of Color [BIPOC] folks in each session. As well as 3 Work Trade spots in each session. If interested please select 'BIPOC Scholarship' ticket OR 'Work Trade' ticket when registering via the link below. For more information about the work trade exchange, please see Work Exchange.
CLICK HERE to register with a Payment Plan.
REFUND POLICY: Full refunds available up to 10 days prior to the event. Please inform us if you cannot attend an event up to 10 days prior [including Scholars and Work Traders]! Refunds within the 10 days prior to the event may be available on a case-by case basis, please reach out to

Cinthia Pérez Navarro is a dancer, teacher, choreographer and independent performing artist from Puebla, México.
She uses her work to engage nationally and internationally, with the diversity of exchange between Mexican communities, celebrating its richness by incorporating ancestral knowledge into a contemporary movement practice, which includes stewardship and reverence for different ecosystems and cultures and how we embody that permeability into benefit the
community we belong to.
Graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Dance from the University of the Americas Puebla, México (UDLAP), and a Somatic Movement Educator from the Body Mind Movement México school. She is a member of binational interdisciplinary collectives such as XIPE Colectivo Escénico and Chicken Bank Collective. She coordinates the Contact Improv Puebla community since 2013.
She has been awarded as best female performer and finalist in the V and VIII 4x4 Tj Night Choreography Contest. In 2020 she was nominated for Best Foreign Actress for the ACE Awards NYC for the play AQUERÓN, el río de la tragedia. She has been a beneficiary in 2020 with the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA) and in 2021 with the Program to Stimulate Artistic Creation and Development (PECDA) with the project ANCESTRAS: Legacy in Movement, facilitating spaces for bonding and body agency for elders.
For more than a decade she has been fortunate to nurture her practice in Contact Improvisation with Nancy Stark Smith, Martín Keogh, Ray Elliot Schwartz, Nita Little, Daniel Lepkoff, Jovair Longo, Brad Stoller, Karl Frost, Lucia Brasa, Manuel Rochette, Sole Medina, Contact and Flow Festival among other practitioners inside and outside of Mexico. She has taught CI at festivals like San Pancho Fest 2023, Festival Pigmentos 2023, American Dance Festival 2018/19, Performática 2016/18, Encuentro Nacional CI México 2016-18 and at different universities and dance programs in Puebla, México.

Ariadna Franco is a body artist, mother, therapist, lover of movement and improvisation. Since 2008 she has made artistic work with the body as the center of the work and with the disolution of creator-spectator roles. She has been practicing Contact Improvisation since 2010. Co-organizer of MCI and Epiico, platforms that have organized 8 Contact improvisation Gaterings in México and that for the last 10 years have maintained a regular practice in México city. She has also co-organized Contact and Flow Festival (2017-2019) and the forum The Future of CI (2021). She has taught dance and movement workshops in different cities of Mexico and has participated as a teacher in conferences in Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Brazil and the United States. She is a dance therapist and psycho-corporal therapist, Somatic Movement Educator by Body Mind Movement, trained in Somatic Development Psychotherapy. Specialized in Authentic Movement and graduated in Narrative Practices with focus and prevention in gender violence. She has studied History and Psychology.

Karen Palafox is a dancer, creator and movement explorer dedicated to delving into the rich realms of somatic movement, contact improvisation, aquatic movement and dance improvisation. With a foundation in dance education from the University of the Americas Puebla in Mexico, Karen has honed her skills through her ongoing personal research and her studies as Somatic Movement Educator and Therapist at the Body Mind Movement® School and her practice in Janzu Aquatic Movement Technique. Since 2011, she has organized and participated in various dance, improvisation and somatic gatherings in Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Argentina, New Zealand, USA and France. For 4 years, she was part of the co-direction of Performática: A Contemporary Dance and Movement Arts Festival created by Ray Schwartz. At the heart of Karen's work lies a profound background on delving into the wonders of developmental movement patterns explored on land and in water. Karen is one of the co - creators and directors of Encuerpar, a Somatic Movement Festival and she currently collaborates in the production of Contact and Flow Festival, both gatherings with the aim of exploring amphibious states of being in the lagoon of Bacalar in
Through her ongoing exploration of contact improvisation, her work focuses on discovering states of presence and attuning to the nuances of sensation, perception, and proprioception. CI is for her a profound relational tool for deepening human connections. This practice allows for the expansion of her somatic inquiry by uncovering invaluable insights into the ways in which our bodies communicate, adapt, co- regulate and create meaning in relationship to one another. Thus, she provides pathways to awaken the potential to translate sensory information into efficient motor inputs for fluid and creative motion.
Through her work, she endeavors to cultivate a deeper understanding of the body- mind connection, shedding light on the profound impact it has on our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The goal is to inspire individuals to engage the richness of their somatic landscapes as vessels of lived experience, each movement a manifestation of embodied consciousness in both terrestrial and aquatic realms.