VADIANDO Vermont 2025
10 DAYS | JUNE 26 - JULY 6

Vadiando Vermont 2025 | Thursday June 26 - Sunday July 6
Vadiando Vermont is 10 days of immersive capoeira workshops, classes, rodas and 'vadiar' [ hanging out ] to celebrate the global capoeira family. All lineages, groups and levels welcome.
Today the variety of lineages and traditions, styles and approaches to capoeira are vast but, despite these differences, all capoeiristas are connected by their love and dedication to this afro-brazilian movement form that fuses play, dance, martial arts, and ritual through community, energy and music.
Vadiando Vermont, inspired by the monthly ‘Vadiando’s’ of the late Mestre Itabora in California and other events, is an opportunity for capoeiristas of all kinds and levels to immerse themselves in the form and play a LOT! To focus on what connects us and not divides us and to spend time together.
Whether you are a teacher of capoeira, a dedicated player, or someone new to the form, we welcome you. Families are welcome and folks are invited to come for a weekend, a day or two during the week, or for the entire 10 days. Beds are available on a first-come/first-serve basis Rodas will happen daily and there will be instrument making as well as visiting teachers offering classes in music and movement. Axé Povo! Hope to see you there.
TEACHER DISCOUNT CODE: In order to encourage the participation of working Capoeira teachers we are offering $150 off for ‘Professor/a’ level and up for all tiers. Eligible teachers must be higher than ‘Instrutor’ level [ Professor/a, Formado/a, Contra Mestre/a or Mestre/a OR [if your group does not recognize these levels] have been teaching Capoeira for over 10 years. Use code 'TEACHER' at checkout!
Weekend 1, Weekend 2 or Full event options | Day and Commuter rate options | Camping or inside rooms available. BEDS ARE LIMITED TO 21 PEOPLE. Children under 12 come for free.
SCHEDULE *subject to change
WEEKEND 1 JUNE 26 - 29th | WORKSHOPS with Mestra Colibri, Mestra Tigresa, Mestre Tabareu, Professora Zuca, Professora Morena
Thu 12 Arrival / opening roda
Fri 13 2 workshops / roda
Sat 14 2 workshops / bonfire /roda
Sun 15 1 workshop [music] / clean / flip
MIDWEEK JUNE 30 -JULY 2 WORKSHOPS with Mestre Tabareu, Professora Zuca, Professora Morena
Mon 16 Workshop/ pm labs/ roda
Tues 17 Workshop/ pm labs/ eve off/ bonfire
Wed 18 DAY OFF [ clean and reset - beach day and field trips ]
WEEKEND 2 JULY 3 - JULY 6 | WORKSHOPS with Anhuma, Mestra Joy, Mestre Muito Tempo, Mestra Marreta, Professora Zuca, Professora Morena
Thur 19 Arrival / opening roda
Fri 20 2 workshops / roda
Sat 21 2 workshops/ bonfire / rodas
Sun 22 1 closing roda/ clean / goodbyes
We offer 3 full scholarships for Black, Indigenous and People of Color [BIPOC] folks in each session. As well as 3 Work Trade spots in each session. If interested please select 'BIPOC Scholarship' ticket OR 'Work Trade' ticket when registering via the link below. For more information about the work trade exchange, please see Work Exchange.
CLICK HERE to register with a Payment Plan.
REFUND POLICY: Full refunds available up to 10 days prior to the event. Please inform us if you cannot attend an event up to 10 days prior [including Scholars and Work Traders]! Refunds within the 10 days prior to the event may be available on a case-by case basis, please reach out to